~ three

Learner - "Think we'll make it ?"

Killer - "Yep."

Learner - "I'll take it.  What now."

Killer - "We cover every last one of these people out of here and then we walk away."

Learner - "Hm.  So die."

Killer - "Yep."
Learner - "And like actual actual die.  Dead and gone gonna die die, die.  Gone with the world."
The long kiss goodbye ~
Killer - "Death is for pansies."

Chelsea Cotter - Standing there unnoticed, shotgun over her shoulder next to them,  "Agreed.  But that really is a shite plan."  Spits.  "We're in."
('Hallowed be thy Enemy' remix by Wax Audio (?)

The people from the alley circles exit their mist thick hides, from all across town filling into the streets.  Pub and motel, a few non coward guards, the rest screaming away with the fleeing herds and swerving cars.
Dealers and alleyway thugs, prostitutes and just fucking poor and crazy loading their guns while the rest make for the boat.  Note if you killed a lot of thugs thinking you were doing a good thing, you weren't.
The endless hoard reaches town's edge, the last residents lost torn beneath them.  In the dower silence, of screams and roars, the charge about to range, a man laughs.


Slowly everyone starts laughing to cheering as they all open fire now close enough.  Individually the hoard beasts die easily enough and pile well enough while descending airships cook the groups with flame throwers.

But the beasts go on forever and can leap the flamethrower's range.

As much as we can possibly get away with running smooth is what happens here, until the ground begins to buckle at the end of the song.  

The distant woods start rising up in two, taking great forms of its features, screaming painfully as they break into new shape.  A massive roar of pain from beneath their feet with the starting quakes.

The Killer - Spots the mayor fleeing in his very fast looking car looking suddenly afraid upon seeing him.  "Oh ... who's yer mayor now ..."  Targeted and locked into extreme slow motion, a shot through the mayor's head, the car spinning out.

If you miss that shot, you're gonna die.  By the way.  It's real friendly.

Learner - The car swerving to, "This was her plan !?"

Killer - "Apparently.  Pretty sure it was yours.  Now our plan is to get the fuck to that ship with the rest of these fools."
The greater demons rise behind them forming of the two conquered regions, beyond massive but technically climbable if you want to die.  The wildlife fleeing the woods become limbs, a head screaming from the mountainside in pain.
The city streets ahead start buckling hard.
Gabrielle strikes the ground from the sky, cracking it through and splitting the forming beast into rubble.  She looks back as it begins climbing from its own rubble again more pissed off, "Run."
As the beast takes the town from within, tectonic plates separate in quake forming limbs reaching, the earth roaring it's pain beneath them.  A slow transformation from land to upright beast while in the distance that valley and swamps do the same.

Newly formed eyes first seeing each other they pull from the ground for battle, the player escaping or not its transforming limbs.  The Building around shatter where their structures can't bear the quake, the rest dragging along with its formation.
These will be independently intelligent enemies warring while the world they're made of caves in on itself.  No guaranteed route through, but probably.  To be tested well enough to know it's possible.

Live or die.
The game goes on to another chapter or to the main game either way.