Chapter Two

('6 Underground' by the Sneaker Pimps')

The Learner sleeps with nightmares of endless hoards of the damned through the Killer's Tale, vine-works grown through, carrying those most broken while others grown over and into the walls scream their agonies until the ground opens up beneath them.
The Mortician's wife to the side watching them it all fall down, eating the Founder's liver.  Falling into the pit amid the deepest roar, the flames bursting them through, the crow flies away.

Awakening in the night, the quiet town closed down for it.  The crow looks at the waking learner ~

Explorer - "This place needs more never."

Learner - "What !?"  Wakes up again, the crow banging a nut on the sill to crack it.  Turning away to get up, the Explorer in the window chair eating the nut.


Wandering the woods ...

Learner - "What do we even do now ?"


Learner - "Now you're quiet."

Explorer - Stares a moment ... "Can you hear me ?"

Learner - Staring back at the Explorer a moment, looking over then up and down, then up to the human eyes, "I can see you."

Explorer - Bursts out laughing, "That's really cool too, but can - you - understand, what - I - am - say-ing ... ?"

Learner - "Not when you say it like that !  Wow crows are rude."

Explorer - "True.  Also the best companions ever."

Learner - "True."

Explorer - "Goth points ?"

High five.

Learner - "Goth points."

(free-walk from here, companion follows)

Explorer - "So you're a vampire now."

Learner - Annoyed, "I guess that's true ... what of it ?"

Explorer - "Just saying a vampire with a crow is some serious shit.  Maybe you don't complain so much."

Learner - "I didn't complain !"

Explorer - "You did in your brain.  I heard it.  It was really loud."

Learner - "How the fuck does that even work."

Explorer - "How the fuck do you think you're talking to a crow."

Learner - "Thought you were a Cartographer."

Explorer - "Ooo ... translation retroactive ..."

Learner - "Yeah.  Sorry I treated you like an idiot."

Explorer - "It's okay.  We all know about your kind."

Learner - "Hm.  So what do we do now ?  And do crosses hurt me ?  What the fuck !?"

Explorer - "They make you burst into flames."


Learner - "Bullshit ..."

Explorer - "No really !  It's hideous.  It's like automatic soul torture for your now intrinsic evil."

Learner - "You're such a jerk."

Explorer - "Buckets of water works too.  You'll totally just melt. 'Melting ...' "

Learner - "So you're a cartographer."

Explorer - "Among other things."

Learner - "So you know the safest routes to whatever solution we think of out of this."

Explorer - "This is true.  We'll have to travel at night of course because the sun makes you turn to a frog.  Never mind the werewolves, I'll eat your eyes in the morning."

Learner - "Wait.  Does the sun really hurt me though ?"

Explorer - "Remember that mayor surrounded by a never ending party of vampires which frolicked day and night on the lawn ?  We should kill that guy."

Learner - "Hmmm ... question answered and agreed.  And the accountant."

Explorer - "Definitely the accountant."

Learner - "We need a flame thrower."

Explorer - "And some orange juice."

Learner - "How do you even know about that."

Explorer - "How do you even know about that."

Learner - "Nothing ... so I have a plan now.  If I can talk to you, that means all these other animals are ... "

Explorer - "... a very good plan."

Learner - "And did you know I'm a also demonologist ?"

Explorer - Smiles, "I did know that.  So how about our new murdery friend ?'

Learner - "Hate."

Explorer - "No you don't.  But I bet you the mayor knows about him."

Learner - "Destroy."

Explorer - We should like torture him, and then promise not to kill him if he tells us ... and then we should totally kill him.  Like 'Nooo ... whyyy' ... "

Learner - "Hmmm ..."

Explorer - "Or the accountant."

Learner - "I really fucking hate that guy."