Chapter One

Nothing much occurs in the town's wanderings, the Learner is met mostly with curiosity and amusement.  Everyone knows what the Learner is, which is an outsider.  Denizens of the alleyways and pub do look pleased for the business.
~ instead encouraged to meet the mayor at the north of main.
('Tail' by Sunmi)

A decadent mass overflows the manor's steps and balconies, desperately celebrating desperation itself to stave off the Hell seeking them beneath their feet.  
In each play through they've fallen further, more desperate their escape to their pleasures, but each time having a harder time accomplishing it.  Mockery passed of 'A Learner' behind masquerade facades, the same demons they beg assistance with.  
Fire blown into the air drunkenly  igniting the trick.  It flees in the closing circle around him, pushed back to the center with sticks until beaten with them dead.

As they notice their guest they immediately shy away giggling, subtly reminded by the Learner's presence who and what they are.  A darkness to their mockery, a hatred mixed with genuine curiosity.
Success will save them, but also leave them no excuse for their current state to which they've become accustom.  While time, vanity and indulgence has taught them to mock what they fear by sweating beneath decorous masks.

Whispers around ~ "It's 'A Learner' ... ?"

Every glance they cease their revelry to whispers, judgement when not lasciviousness poking forth for something new.  Anything new.

A path is cleared to the mayor speaking with another while in the rooms it's much the same.  Levity becomes joy, in the music room the band plays at celebration for the swirling dancers revival.

Mayor - Noting the Learner, "Ah.  Yes at last, the Learner.  Welcome."  As the accountant stares rudely ... "Forgive my accountant, he believes you ... overtaxed for this venture."

Accountant - "Overtaxed by this.  And overpaid for a Librarian ..."

Learner - "I'm not a librarian.  Who the fuck is this guy ?"


Mayor - "My accountant ... I ... believe with your unique expertise you will be of great assistance to your companion cartographer."

Learner - "I'm not a librarian.  What's a companion ?"

Mayor - "Your bird."

Learner - "I have a bird !?"

Mayor - "Apparently so, it was on the sill with your luggage.  A cursed thing known to always precede Death in these parts."  A look over, "Takin' a liking to you ... it would seem.  A beast of many forms.  Your vile companion."

Learner - "Huh !  Well just as long as the doors don't get blocked, these things are written to win.  I'll assume the plot here's to save the world unless I find a reason not to right ?  So where's the library ?  Lear-ning."

Mayor - "I suppose it is yes ... and the library is right this way, young learner."

Learner - Mouth whispers 'not a librarian' and sticks a tongue out to the departing glare from the Accountant.  To the mayor, "So what went wrong ?"

Mayor - Turning for the library, "Astutely to the point.  Everything.  It began with the Founder."

Learner - "Are these his books ?"

Mayor - "No ... his library is in the north-eastern woods, where we met for our rituals.  His home  No one goes there, madness has overgrown it.  If you wish to see for yourself the gate-keep will let you through."

Learner - "I need to see the books not the madness.  The madness just comes with it and you're taking yourselves in game, very seriously.  Are you ... vampires ?"

Mayor - "Well.  ... Yes."

Learner - "Oh !  Love vampires.  Don't really like you much though and I definitely don't like your accountant.  Because what the hell kind of vampire has an accountant so nor-eastern woods.  Got it.  I'm cleaning out your library and where's that damn bird at ?"

Mayor - "It's Vampyre."

Learner - "I said that."

Mayor - "You said it with an 'i', when the real question is 'y'.  The key to your motel room, off main ... these are my books."

Learner - "Are they ?  Kind of thought they were like a ... introductory series about the world or something like that." (they are)  "We'll  call it down payment.  And P.S. That was really clever.  The 'y' thing ... so proud.  Now you may resume your weird ass vampire thing ... with the accountants ... now shoo."

Mayor - "But ... these are my ..."

Learner - "Sht !  I am Saving, the World !"

At the motel ~

Chelsea Cotter - "Ohhh ... the 'Learner' ..."  With suspicion, "Educated ?"

Learner - "Experienced."

Chelsea - Smiles, "Well ... that we got rooms for.  Speck of which, yor room is right up the stairs."  A wink, "The one what don't sound like fuckin."

Learner - "Hm ..."

Chelsea - A hand over the Learner's, "Hey it's alright.  We're not one a them.  Yer one of us.  I can see that in yer eye.  And I do see it all.  Yor 'companion' is right up there waiting for you now.  Kinda different."

Learner - "I believe you."

Entering the room, the Explorer sits waiting in the chair under the open window, appearing human.  Black cloaked in layers over loin cloth nude, but the Learner only sees a crow on the sill.

Learner - "Whoa.  That's so cool ..."

Explorer - "What is ?"

Learner - "I mean ... you actually follow me around ?"

Explorer - ... "Or ... I'm a Cartographer.  I'm here to map this world's alterations under its infection to assess the next template while you determine the nature of this abomination."

Learner - "It's almost like you're saying actual words ... so fucking cool.  Insta-goth-points right here.  I need more black clothes for matchies."

~ A mild quake and the sound of a new building being unfolded.

Explorer - "Agreed.  Those sounded like words."

The Learner giggles down the stairs, crow swoops after and for the door as another tenant entering opens it.

The Learner is capable of magic, but at this point mostly in dealing with ghosts by canting Hebrew dispersals.  More is learned as books are collected.  Like the rest, can use weapons when required or desired.

Can punch surprisingly hard. 

The Explorer as a companion ~

Most easily considered crow that plays at being like a human.  It could possibly be the Learner's imaginary friend or just a stalking crow the Learner babbles to because it's there.  

Does the Learner actually hear the crow talking back ?  

No one knows.  

But it makes more sense if you don't consider its appearance, people talk to animals all the time, so one may be just hearing the imagined other half of the conversation.

Wanders off and fills in the maps, marking what's interesting, touches nothing, cannot open doors, it really may just be a crow the Learner talks to because it's there.  Has a unique obsession with shoes because the fact most only see a crow means everyone talks to the Explorer's feet.

Meanwhile, 'Gothpoints' is now the name of the gothic clothes and accessories shoppe in every marketplace I've ever written, same person at the counter.

The bell rings entry ~

Counter - "Welcome to Gothpoints !  Whatcha ... hey I know you."

Learner - "No you don't !"

Counter - "No.  I do know you.  From the one thing.  With all the dying and righteousness,  You were the one with the ... "

Learner - "Sh.  Totally different person hey do you have clothes here !?  Because I need to match that !"  Gestures to the Explorer wandering around.

Counter - "Oh shit.  I know who that is.  Secret safe."