~ two

Assuming you read the instructions ( ... ) you already know about the biosphere and exploring it is what this central section of the tale is all about.  The Valley below has the next six outposts, the furthest away being closest to where the the Learner was seen.

Taking these towers is simple enough for the Explorer, one spin landing strike with the bladed wing cloak will take out two the catapult crew, the third then an easy enough cut thereafter.

Each outpost averages four towers to be taken, and once it is done the dragon does the rest.  You can help, or just watch from one of the conveniently placed hillsides we'll certainly think of for the show.

Each surrounding village is of small size, decent people but clearly invasive in their walled off fear of this land, and well enough.  There is that dragon which hates them, those are demons, and this may be Hell.

But no one knows that for sure.  No one knows anything.  Even within the game's subjectivity, are these people even real ?  Is this game judging players as though they were ?

Is there some reason or outcome to care ?  No.

Except to wonder that.  The feeling that the game is watching and seeming to propose questions of right and wrong to the player's actions, when there is no reason at all.

Killer - "Except love."

Explorer - Looking as though a vomit may visit, "Love.  Are you serious ?  Who.  That human you saw ?  How would you know such a thing on sight."

Killer - "I know I'm compelled to direction."  Looking at the last outpost standing, "And that direction leads there."

Explore - Slurps an eyeball, "Thought this was about flying the dragon."

Killer - Watching as it roars overhead, "I can have two things."

Explore - Slurp.  "Mm.  Well.  Maybe like two and a half."

PS ~ I never read the instructions.

But if there's anything else to note it's the temples which hold the demon lords of each region.  Further still, if it can be found in said temples, somewhere within each is a glitch in the game.

Something wrong.

A tear in the world, a repeating object, a texture mislaid, something.  And it's something the player may think just an error, nothing we haven't seen before except for the candles and alters surrounding these things which make them seem holy.

Clear seen, these outposts are nearby to excavate these places.

This comes up in the main game, as these temples will have aged, shown in minor changes as would be, some of these glitches will seem to have accidentally grown.